SEC подала письмо с просьбой объявить одну из ключевых защит Ripple «незаконной с юридической точки зрения»

Jeremy Hogan commented that Stuart Alderoty revealed another doubtful SEC policy case

Lawyer Jeremy Hogan commented that Stuart Alderoty revealed another doubtful SEC policy case.

Судья отклоняет ходатайство о вмешательстве держателей XRP в дело Ripple против SEC

Lawyer Jeremy Hogan on twitter commented that Stuart Alderoty revealed another doubtful SEC policy case. He noted:

SEC Investor Protection Plan: 1. Drive crypto exchange offshore; 2. Punish U.S. based company with large fine; 3. U.S. company seeks line of credit from offshore exchange to pay fine; 4. Offshore exchange collapses; 5. Both companies go under. Did I miss anything?

Previously Stuart Alderoty commented on the deal between BlockFi and SEC. Also RippleX reminded about an important material.