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Nik Bougalis explained the importance of moving to XRPL 1.9.4

Developer Nik Bougalis explained the importance of moving to XRPL 1.9.4.

Будет ли облагаться бесплатная раздача FLR держателям XRP налогом: Мнение технического директора Ripple

Developer Nik Bougalis on twitter explained the importance of moving to XRPL 1.9.4. He noted:

If you are operating a server on the #XRPL and you haven’t updated to the 1.9.4 release, you ought to do so soon. This is especially important for those who are still on the 1.8.x series, because you’re missing out on serious performance improvements.

He also added:

There are several amendments in the 1.9.x series that may go live and if that happens, while the #XRPL will continue making forward progress, servers not on the latest version could become “amendment blocked” and that’s never fun.

The cadence of releases has resulted in upgrade fatigue. I get it and feel it too; more than most, probably, as my team and I get to update Ripple’s server clusters. But staying up to date is an critical part of being a responsible server operator. So upgrade those servers!