Витс Винд: Ripple XRP Ledger нужны более активные операторы инфраструктуры

RippleX announced the news of the Apex Dev Summit

On Twitter, RippleX announced the news of the Apex Dev Summit.

Витс Винд: Ripple XRP Ledger нужны более активные операторы инфраструктуры

On Twitter, RippleX recently announced the news of the Apex Dev Summit. Was noted:

The promise of #Web3? More control over your identity and assets according to @jvedi, who took the stage at this year’s #ApexDevSummit. Missed this year’s event? Sessions will be available on YouTube very soon!

Previously Xumm Wallet released important information about Xumm Tangem cards. Also RippleX revealed more important facts about XRP Ledger.