Витс Винд: Ripple XRP Ledger нужны более активные операторы инфраструктуры

RippleX revealed more important facts about XRP Ledger

On Twitter, RippleX revealed more important facts about XRP Ledger.

Витс Винд: Ripple XRP Ledger нужны более активные операторы инфраструктуры

On Twitter, RippleX recently revealed more important facts about XRP Ledger. Was noted:

XRPL Facts: The XRP Ledger applies reserve requirements to protect the shared global ledger from growing excessively large from spam or malicious usage. It has 2 parts:

1) The Base Reserve
2) The Owner’s Reserve

Previously James K. Filan explained the SEC’s argument. Also Jeremy Hogan shared new thoughts on lawsuit.